AICA utilises Natural Language Processing (NLP) layered on top of our domain specific algorithms to pre-train our algorithms on curated Maintenance, Repairs, and Operations (MRO) product data. This unique combination enables us to achieve an accuracy rate of around 90%, ensuring superior accuracy compared to generic AI models. Unlike others, we do not use customer data for training our proprietary algorithms.

This modular design exemplifies our flexibility, balancing accuracy and cost-effectiveness to meet diverse customer needs. Processing of product and service data is conducted in secure, customer-specific environments, ensuring privacy and security.

More parameters generally lead to better performance and a nuanced understanding. We train our algorithms on 110 million parameters and 1.6 million observations. Our approach balances these factors, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

Large Language Models (LLMs) and Their Parameters

What is an LLM? 

A Large Language Model (LLM) is a type of artificial intelligence designed to understand, generate, and interpret human language by leveraging vast amounts of training data and complex neural network architectures. These models use deep learning techniques to process and predict language patterns, making them valuable for a wide range of applications, from automated text generation to language translation.

Understanding Parameters in LLMs 

Parameters in LLMs are the elements of the model that are learned from training data. They represent the weights and biases adjusted during the training process to minimise errors in the model’s predictions. More parameters typically mean the model can capture finer details and subtleties of language, but they also require more computational resources to train and operate.

LLMs are trained on vast datasets using billions of parameters, enhancing their ability to understand and generate human-like text. Here are examples of prominent LLMs and their parameters:

Open Source Models

– Falcon: Includes Falcon-7B and Falcon-40B, trained on datasets like The Pile.

– MPT-7B: Trained on a diverse set of datasets, ensuring a wide-ranging understanding of language.

– Mistral-7B: Focuses on high-quality text to enhance performance across various tasks.

– Llama3-8B: Features 8 billion parameters, trained on web pages and books for broad language capabilities.

Paid Models

– OpenAI GPT-4o: Significantly larger than GPT-3, trained on a mixture of data sources for a wide range of topics and styles.

– Claude 3.5 Sonnet: Part of Anthropic’s Claude family, focusing on safety and alignment in AI interactions.

AICA’s Modular Services

We have pioneered a sophisticated approach by combining NLP with our domain specific algorithms or any current/future LLMs, to create a data management model that achieves high accuracy rates with minimal hallucinations, unlike general AI or standalone LLMs. This foundation ensures that our model consistently generates precise outputs as well as keeping its relevance in the market. 

For instance, when creating an attribute for a ball bearing’s diameter, our model will consistently recognise and generate the correct specification, such as “14mm”, without variation. This precision is crucial in industrial settings where consistency and accuracy are paramount, and there can only be one truthful output for each data point.

This unique methodology not only provides high accuracy but also significantly lowers the risk of generating multiple conflicting answers for the same query, which is a common issue with more generic AI models. By ensuring that there is only one possible output for each command, our system simplifies data management processes, enhancing reliability and trust in automated data handling.

We offer the following modular services:

Data Cleansing

  • Deduplication: Removes duplicate entries, preventing data redundancy.
  • Language Detection and Correction: Identifies and corrects language inconsistencies, ensuring clarity and uniformity.
  • Anomaly Detection and Correction: Rectifies data anomalies, maintaining data quality.
  • Missing Data Detection and Correction: Fills in missing data points, ensuring complete data records.
  • Normalisation: Standardises data formats and values, facilitating data integration across systems.

Data Enrichment

  • Classification: Categorises data for better organisation and retrieval.
  • Attribute Enhancement: Adds detailed attributes to provide richer information, useful for analytics and decision-making.
  • Long and Short Description Creation: Generates comprehensive and concise descriptions to meet diverse informational needs.
  • Multilingual Translation: Supports global operations by providing translations, essential for international business activities.

Product Data Creation

  • Automated Data Creation: Simplifies the generation of new data entries, ensuring consistency and accuracy.
  • Number Creation: Assigns unique identifiers to each product or service, facilitating easy tracking and management.
  • Attribute Creation: Develops detailed attributes for each item, such as dimensions, materials, or specifications, to enrich product profiles.
  • Description Creation: Produces both long and short descriptions tailored to different platforms and purposes, enhancing visibility and understanding.

Product Data Comparison

Our platform offers in-depth product and service comparisons across multiple dimensions, including:

  • Core Product Information: Detailed analysis of product descriptions and attributes.
  • Side-by-Side Analysis: Clear visual comparisons to quickly identify similarities and differences.

Why Choose AICA?

1. Speed: Our solutions are up to 90% faster than traditional methods, significantly reducing the time needed for data management tasks.

2. Cost-Effective: Our AI-driven approach reduces the need for manual labour and minimises errors, cutting down on operational costs.

3. Exceptional Accuracy: Our specialised Large Language Models (LLMs) achieve over 80% accuracy, far exceeding the 30% accuracy of general AI models.

4. Algorithms Trained on MRO Data: AICA’s algorithms are specifically trained on MRO product data, ensuring highly relevant and precise data handling.


At AICA, we’re committed to pioneering the forefront of data management technology with our sophisticated NLP and domain specific algorithms, tailored specifically to the needs of the MRO industry. Discover how our innovative solutions can transform your data management processes and drive your business forward.

Visit our website today to explore more about our services and how we can help you achieve data excellence with precision and ease.

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