The ability to manage data efficiently is critical for the success of organisations, particularly for industries dealing with complex supply chains, such as manufacturing, energy, and utilities. Effective Master Data Management (MDM) plays a crucial role in ensuring that product and service information is accurate, consistent, and easily accessible. 

One organisation that has emerged as a leader in driving data quality through standards is the Electronic Commerce Code Management Association (ECCMA).

What is ECCMA?

ECCMA is an international standards organisation that focuses on the improvement of data quality, especially in industrial and commercial contexts. One of its most influential contributions is the development of the ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD), a globally recognised system that provides standardised definitions and classifications for product and service data. 

The eOTD helps organisations achieve clarity and uniformity in their data, which is essential for efficient operations and data sharing across various systems, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Product Information Management (PIM) systems.

The Role of ECCMA in Master Data Management

MDM ensures that an organisation’s critical data is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent across all platforms. However, for industries that handle massive volumes of product and service data—especially those involving intricate supply chains—the challenge of maintaining high-quality data is substantial. 

This is where ECCMA’s standards become vital.

1. Standardisation of Data: ECCMA’s eOTD helps industrial organisations standardise their data by providing a clear and universally accepted framework. This ensures that product descriptions, classifications, and attributes are consistent, making it easier for companies to integrate data from various sources and communicate effectively with suppliers and customers.

2. Improved Data Accuracy: By adhering to ECCMA standards, organisations can significantly reduce errors and discrepancies in their data. This is particularly important for industries such as manufacturing and MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operations), where the accuracy of product information is critical for efficient operations.

3. Interoperability Across Systems: Many industrial organisations use multiple platforms for managing their operations, from supply chain management systems to ERPs. ECCMA’s standards ensure that data can be easily shared and integrated across these systems, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of miscommunication or data silos.

4. Enhanced Decision-Making: Accurate and consistent data enables better decision-making. By implementing ECCMA standards within their MDM processes, organisations can ensure that their data is reliable, leading to more informed decisions that drive efficiency and cost savings.

The Challenges of Implementing ECCMA Standards

While the benefits of ECCMA standards are clear, implementing them can be a complex process, especially for large organisations with extensive product catalogues and legacy data systems. 

Many organisations struggle with the task of cleaning and standardising their data, which can be a time-consuming and labour-intensive process. This is where advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) come into play.

AICA’s Role in Facilitating ECCMA-Compliant MDM

At AICA, we specialise in helping industrial organisations streamline their data management processes, particularly when it comes to cleaning, enriching, and standardising product data in line with ECCMA standards. By leveraging cutting-edge AI and ML algorithms, we enable organisations to implement MDM solutions that are not only fast and efficient but also highly accurate.

Here’s what makes us unique:


Our AI-driven solutions are up to 90% faster than traditional methods, significantly reducing the time needed to clean and standardise product data. This speed is critical for organisations that need to update large datasets quickly, ensuring that their MDM systems are always current.


By automating much of the data management process, we help reduce the need for manual labour, thereby minimising operational costs. Additionally, our solutions help organisations avoid costly errors and inefficiencies caused by poor data quality.

Exceptional Accuracy

Our specialised Large Language Models (LLMs), designed for industrial and product data, achieve over 80% accuracy, far surpassing the 30% accuracy typical of general AI models. This means fewer errors and more reliable data, which is critical for industries that rely on precision in their operations.

Algorithms Trained on MRO Data

Our AI and ML algorithms are specifically trained on MRO product data, which is vital for organisations in sectors such as manufacturing, energy, and logistics. This ensures that our solutions are not only fast and accurate but also highly relevant to the unique challenges faced by industrial organisations.


We understand that every organisation faces unique data challenges, which is why our services are highly customisable. Whether you need help cleaning product descriptions, enriching product attributes, or ensuring compliance with ECCMA standards, AICA can tailor a solution that fits your specific needs.


As industrial organisations continue to embrace digital transformation, the importance of high-quality, standardised data cannot be overstated. ECCMA’s standards, particularly the eOTD, provide a valuable framework for achieving this. However, implementing these standards effectively requires advanced tools and expertise.

At AICA, we bring the power of AI and ML to this process, offering solutions that are faster, more cost-effective, and more accurate than traditional methods. With our unique focus on MRO data and the ability to customise solutions to meet the needs of each organisation, AICA is the ideal partner for organisations looking to enhance their MDM systems and comply with ECCMA standards.

Visit our website today to find out more.

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