In today’s data-driven world, the integrity of product data is paramount for organisations striving to maintain a competitive edge. Master Data Management (MDM) systems play a crucial role in centralising, standardising, and managing product data across the enterprise. However, even the most robust MDM systems are not immune to a critical issue known as product data decay. 

This article delves into what product data decay is, its causes, signs, and effects, and how AICA’s advanced solutions can help organisations combat this challenge effectively.

What is Product Data Decay?

Product data decay refers to the gradual deterioration of the quality, accuracy, and relevance of product data over time. This decay occurs as product information becomes outdated, inaccurate, or irrelevant due to changes in the market, evolving customer preferences, or organisational shifts. 

In an MDM system, product data decay can severely impact the overall data quality, leading to a cascade of operational and strategic challenges.

Causes of Product Data Decay

Several factors contribute to product data decay within an MDM system:

  1. Outdated Information: Product specifications, pricing, and availability can quickly become obsolete if not regularly updated. This is particularly true in fast-paced industries where products evolve rapidly.
  2. Data Inconsistency: Discrepancies can arise when different systems or departments within an organisation fail to receive timely updates from the MDM system. This inconsistency can lead to conflicting product data being used across the enterprise.
  3. Duplicate Records: Poor data entry practices, inadequate integration between systems, and lack of regular data cleansing can result in duplicate records within the MDM system, further exacerbating data decay.
  4. Non-compliance with Data Standards: Over time, as new products are introduced or existing ones are modified, they may not always adhere to the established data standards within the MDM system, leading to fragmented and unreliable data.
  5. Regulatory Changes: Regulatory standards evolve, and product data that does not keep pace with these changes can lead to compliance issues, further degrading data quality.

Signs of Product Data Decay

Identifying product data decay early is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your MDM system. Some common signs include:

  • Inconsistent Product Information: When different departments or systems report conflicting product data, it may indicate that the MDM system is not being properly maintained.
  • Customer Complaints: An increase in customer complaints about incorrect product information, such as outdated specifications or pricing errors, can be a clear sign of data decay.
  • Inefficient Operations: If your organisation experiences frequent stockouts, overstocking, or inaccurate inventory levels, product data decay within the MDM system could be a contributing factor.
  • Increased Data Errors: A noticeable rise in the number of data entry errors, duplicate records, or non-compliant data entries suggests that product data decay is taking hold.

Effects of Product Data Decay

The impact of product data decay on an organisation can be far-reaching:

  • Operational Inefficiency: Decayed data leads to inefficiencies in processes such as inventory management, supply chain operations, and customer service, resulting in increased costs and lost opportunities.
  • Poor Decision-Making: Strategic decisions based on inaccurate or outdated data can lead to misguided investments, missed market opportunities, and reduced profitability.
  • Customer Dissatisfaction: Customers rely on accurate product information to make informed purchasing decisions. When this data is compromised, it can lead to dissatisfaction, returns, and loss of trust in your brand.
  • Regulatory Non-Compliance: In industries with strict regulatory requirements, decayed data can result in non-compliance issues, exposing your organisation to legal risks and financial penalties.

How AICA Helps Combat Product Data Decay

At AICA, we understand the critical importance of maintaining accurate, up-to-date product data within your MDM system. Our advanced data cleansing and enrichment services are specifically designed to help organisations combat product data decay and ensure the integrity of their product information. Here’s what makes us unique:

  1. Speed: Our solutions are up to 90% faster than traditional methods, significantly reducing the time needed for data management tasks. This speed allows organisations to respond swiftly to market changes and maintain data accuracy.
  2. Cost-Effective: AICA’s AI-driven approach minimises the need for manual labour, reducing operational costs while minimising errors. Our solutions deliver exceptional value by enhancing data quality without the associated high costs.
  3. Exceptional Accuracy: Leveraging specialised Large Language Models (LLMs), AICA achieves over 80% accuracy in data cleansing and enrichment, far exceeding the 30% accuracy typically seen with general AI models. This exceptional accuracy ensures that your product data is reliable and trustworthy.
  4. Algorithms Trained on MRO Data: AICA’s algorithms are specifically trained on Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) product data, ensuring highly relevant and precise data handling. This specialisation allows us to deliver results that are tailored to the unique challenges of your industry.
  5. Customisability: We understand that every organisation has unique data challenges. AICA’s services are highly customisable, allowing you to select specific solutions that address your organisation’s unique needs. Whether you require data cleansing, enrichment, or a combination of both, we tailor our services to fit your requirements.


By understanding the causes, signs, and effects of product data decay, organisations can take proactive steps to mitigate its impact. AICA offers a comprehensive suite of data cleansing and enrichment services designed to combat product data decay, ensuring that your MDM system remains a valuable asset. 

With our speed, accuracy, and industry-specific expertise, AICA helps you maintain the integrity of your product data, driving operational efficiency and enhancing customer satisfaction. 

Visit our website to find out how AICA can assist in keeping your product data clean and enriched.

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