UNSPSC Classification Cost Calculator

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is a global standard for classifying products and services. It helps organisations streamline procurement processes, enhance supply chain transparency, and improve spend analysis by grouping similar items under a consistent classification system.


Our UNSPSC classification cost calculator estimates the time and labour cost required to manually classify products and services using the UNSPSC system, without automation.


By inputting the number of items, you can quickly see how much time and expense manual classification would take.

UNSPSC Classification Cost Calculator

Traditional Method

Total Time: 0 minutes

Total Cost: $0.00

AICA Method

Total Time: 2 hours setup time

Cost: Contact us to find out

Benefits of UNSPSC Classification

  • Improved Procurement Efficiency
  • Better Spend Visibility
  • Compliance and Risk Reduction
  • Enhanced Reporting and Spend Analysis

This calculator estimates the time and cost it would take an employee or cataloger to classify via UNSPSC without the use of automation software or services like AICA. Actual times may vary depending on the quality of your data, as data cleansing may need to be performed to prepare the data for classification.

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